
Caribbean Book Blog was created by Tony Williams, a freelance journalist, a former editor of the Crusader newspaper in St Lucia and a Reuters Fellow (Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Oxford University).

I’m also the author of the crime fiction novel, Between Two Fires, volume one of the trilogy, Dread Desires.

My aim in creating the blog is to inform writers and readers about the latest developments in the international book trade and related sectors of the creative industries and consider how they are likely to affect the literary communities in the Caribbean and other small-island states. It is hoped that it will also provide inspiration and encouragement to writers as they pursue the noble goal of sharing their thoughts and ideas with the world.

To contact me directly, email awilliams918@gmail.com

33 responses to “About

  1. Hi Tony, Congratulations on this work. You are right on target with your analysis of the current reality facing Caribbean writers, bookshops and publishers. Much thanks to Peepal tree, now the premier publisher of Caribbean writing. The web is a necessary and available space we ought not to be afraid of. Where the older writers found space in newspaper columns and periodicals, the blogsphere and other social media now provide opportunity to express views, share work, contact friends, socialise, find out what’s going on. And the audience/readership is the world. O brave new world!!! And you are right, (as has always been the dream of artists) we must go to our audience even while we hope they’ll come looking for us. All the best, keep going on. BTW 2010 is Walcott’s 80th birthday. Also Kamau Brathwaite’s.

    • I am very impressed, tony. I didn’t know this site exists until today. I am a fairly new author with 2 publications and I am looking forward to write more books in the future. I am from the caribbean, Haiti, and have been living in the United States for a while. My book, Jilted, a romance fiction, was released on November 15, 2010. It is selling in the US and UK. My children’s book, Wish You Were Here, is about international adoption in the eye of the child, is selling in the US, UK and Canada. I am very excited to be part of the group.
      Thank you

  2. Hello Tony, A comment from one of your posts, which Geoffrey Philp cited, caught my eye — it’s something I’ve been saying for a while now.
    If we can get even 1% of the number of people from the Caribbean, or of Caribbean descent (more than 1 million in the NY area alone) to buy books written by Caribbean authors, we’d make a huge difference – emotionally, psychologically and financially – to the authors. That would translate directly into more titles being published.
    But the changes that are happening even as I write this, will have an as yet unknown impact on how books are delivered, who writes and who reads them. It’s an exciting time. I hope more of us will be part of it.
    Thank you!

  3. Hi, Tony! I’m a Guyanese Canadian author, and am quite excited to find such a vibrant online Caribbean literary community! My book, Legend of the Swan Children, was published by Macmillan Caribbean as part of its new Island Fiction Series for teens and tweens. It hit the stores in the Caribbean and the U.K. in February 2009, and online stores a month or two before that. I’m really curious to know whether the marketing to-date has been very effective, and would like to ask your readers how many of them have actually heard of this new series?


  4. Hi.
    Are you familiar with any books by Caribbean author, Lili Dauphin? She wrote a series of books about Tilou, a young Haitian girl, starting with Crying Mountain Crazy Hurricane. Besides being an engrossing story, it is intriguing in its discussion of the culture of some of the Haitian people, and invites much thought as to their poverty, lack of modernity and standing in the world.
    I am sure that your readers would enjoy Lili’s books and would benefit from their reading.

  5. Tony hello there. I have just been introduced to your page through a writing colleague. Thank you so much for the information.
    I write fantasy mostly. Time Travel by thought alone – that sort of thing. I have been lucky enough to be published by an online publisher called Night Publishing.

    My books form a trilogy. The first in the series is The Eye of Erasmus and the following two will be published in the spring as a compendium.
    This information is therefore invaluable to me. Many thanks. Tee

  6. Superbe blog! merci beaucoup. Je tiens a vous faire connaitre un auteur Guyannais qui vient de faire paraitre un livre sur la vie de l’un des premiers noirs antillais devenu haut magistrat Français. Le livre est un temoignage comme il y en a peux de l histoire Française aux antilles et du colonialisme en afrique a une epoque ou certains noirs antillais croyaient a la republique et l’égalité des chances… Un trés beau livre qu’il serait bon faire connaitre a nos jeunes generations d’antillais!

  7. Pingback: Quotables | Wadadli Pen·

  8. Hi Tony, Love your blog!! I just finished reading a book titled The Pink House at Appleton by Jamaican borh writer, Jonathan Braham. It says he lives in England. It’s an intriguing must read about life on a sugar estate in Jamaica. If you are a lover of books you will enjoy this one! I recommend it to the readers of your blog!!

  9. Hi Tony
    In looking for literary awards/competitions to inform my clients, I stumbled upon your blog. Quite nice and informative. I plan to visit often. I am a Certified Author Assistant and Virtual Event Specialist. I invite you to take a look at my webpage and blog at http://www.helpdeskja.com. I would appreciate your or your followers feedback.

  10. Hello fellow writers: It’s a pleasure to know you exist between the palm tree’s. I’m a former Time Inc assistant editor recently retired to St. Thomas. In a few weeks I am self publishing and launching my novel called, Cape Verde Blues. The Web-sight is Capeverdebook.com. Right now I’m reading social media marketing books because this seems the way to sell books. So you can see
    I have to master a new bag of tricks. As I am from New York City I don’t feel I can claim membership in the literary…. exclusivity of the islands yet. I do know having worked in Europe that some of the greatest writers come from these Islands. When my mother died, last year, I took a line from a Derick Walcott poem to seal her memory. Anyways I’m going to say good bye for now, but can be reached at… cwc500@optonline.net. Time for my daily walk
    to my favorite beach bar to dream up new novel plots over a glass of red wine
    which they say is very good for elderly inventive thinking. Beach bars help me muse over the days past when I knew every major figure in civil rights…From Baldwin to Stockley. With collegial respect for what use guys do, I am yours cordially. C.W. Childs

    • Good to hear from you, C.W. Childs.

      Dr. Julia E. Antoine Winner of the Silver Award in the Mom’s Choice Awards, ages 9 -12 Too-Clever Too-Clever.blogspot.com Envision School Publishing

      Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 12:10:50 +0000 To: juliaantoine@msn.com

  11. Ms Antoine: Nice to hear from you here in St Thomas. Please send me your address because I need to send you my hot off the press book, “Cape Verde Blues’, which is the best book about whaling since Moby Dick. No sense being modest or I won’t sell one book! But happy about my accomplishment I want to share with the whole African diaspora everywhere. Hope to write to you again soon. I am—C.W. Childs

  12. Hi C.W. Childs, Your excitement about your book is so contagious, I decided to let some of it rub off on me. Here is one of my books set in beautiful St. Lucia, Roseau Valley. It’s on special today on Kindle. Check it out. I get your book, you don’t have to send me a copy. I believe in paying it forward.

    Kindle Nation Daily shared a link.
    4 hours ago
    Award-Winning Author Ju Ephraime Mixes up a Spicy Concoction of Warm Climate, Luscious Scenery, Sexy Characters And Let’s Not Forget a Nice Piece of Dark Chocolate…

    Unanimous Rave Reviews For “A Wonderful Piece of Dark Mahogany” – Now $1.99 on Kindle http://bit.ly/1iGoBn0

  13. Hi: Your so kind. Thankyou for your comments. Yes the book Cape Verde Blues is on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and most of other ebook shelves. But even more exciting is the paperback fulfillment. For your blog subscribers…please tell them if they go to….cvbluesbook.com….and click incredible …they can order a POD book and get it within a week. I’m amazed
    its like magic. My new world of publishing is thrilling. I remain tuned into your blog……
    C.W. Childs

  14. Hello fellow writers,
    This is a great place to introduce myself. My name is Madge Williams, originally from Trinidad and is presently living
    living in the USA. I am proud of my book A New Beginning. It can be found on Amazon, and Barnes and Noble, and Author house. Beside being in a soft cover book, it is in Kindle, and Nook. Love to hear from you my new family. I can be reached on arndrews1@Yahoo.com. Bye

  15. Pingback: Caribbean (Digital) Poetry Resources | The Digital Caribbean·

  16. Hello,
    I stumbled across your site searching for ways to connect with Caribbean nationals. I recently published a novel, Champion Bubbler. This is a story of a young woman, Mercedes Ford, leaving the inner-city ghetto of Kingston to dance in a club in the tourist area of Montego Bay. The story, while focused on this young woman’s life, brings together the people and culture in such a thought-provoking way that it will ignite all kinds of emotions. It is definitely a must read by everyone especially those of Caribbean heritage who will be able to relate to it. It is available here: http://www.amazon.com/Champion-Bubbler-Jules-Mitchell-Bailey/dp/1511942010/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1452095064&sr=8-1&keywords=champion+bubbler
    Great blog site and I hope to collaborate with you!

    • Well said, I fully agree. The whole situation seems to be pushing the BAME community to adopt a radical new way of thinking and a new approach to solving the problem,. One that will require more self reliance, greater networking and collaboration and the innovative use of emerging technologies to create a publishing and marketing ecosystem that can ultimate support BAME writers and excite potential readers across national and cultural boundaries .

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